Troll Dad Sms

Why Men Need Women?

Dad Troll

Man and Woman at Barber shop - The Difference

Difference between School and College

the day i almost died from a heart attack...

Mother of all the Clocks

Difference in Thinking - Boy versus Girl

How do hair of women actually look on a Windy day?

Who likes it Most when you stay back Home?

Flooding of Windows - Happens with everyone

Who Is That Hairy Man

Iphone Troll

Its Over

Troll Dad having fun with mom - Funny Troll Comics

Tetris Game - Troll Comics Image

Vampire Troll

A to Z Troll

kid troll

History Exam

Justin Bieber - Somebody to Love

How I see my fight ?

Epic Fail

Girls v/s Boys after rejected

Mr Bean